There's a pretty wide range of reasons why someone might want to weld cast iron to steel. Whether the end use is structural, decorative, or something in between, there are ways of making these two...
Category: Welding/Fabricating
Usually, TIG welding is done with pure argon as a shielding gas and an argon-CO2 gas is used for MIG. However, with a massive rise in popularity of multipurpose welders that can do both MIG and TIG,...
For beginner welders, you'll often get the feeling that you're learning more about grinding than you are about welding. With MIG and arc welding, you can always expect a certain amount of spatter...
Both aluminum and steel are very weldable metals. There are no problems whatsoever in welding steel to steel, and aluminum to aluminum. But what happens when you need to cross the boundaries and join...
There are loads of different ways to fuse metals together. In this post, I'm going to introduce you to several of the more common methods that are popular. Here's the additional information that...
One of the downsides of cutting metal with heat is the heat affected zone. Sometimes this doesn't affect the project at all; other times it's a complete deal breaker. How can you deal with the...